analysisFiles <- list.files("AR/analysisResults", pattern=".*\\.RData", full.names=TRUE) print(paste0("Collecting results from ", length(analysisFiles), " analysis files.")) # loop through all files res_list <- list() for (f in analysisFiles) { print(f) load(f) # the simulation data frame always is called "res" #res$id <- paste0(f, "_", res$id) res_list[[f]] <- Est.Results } <- bind_rows(res_list) str( # final data set in long format: save(, file="AR/dataFiles/") #load(file="dataFiles/") # Show conditions tab <- %>% group_by(Environment, Condition, al, bias) %>% summarise(n.MA=length(unique(replication))) all(tab$n.MA == SimulationLength) <- %>% droplevels() # reshape long format to wide format res.wide <- dcast(, replication + Condition + al + bias + method ~ term + variable, value.var="value") head(res.wide, 1) # save(res.wide, file="AR/dataFiles/res.wide.RData") ####################### ## Simulation Set up ####################### Sim_Environ<-c('RE','PRE','FE') # 'PRE' effectSize_List=c(0.0,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,3.5,4.0); simN <- SimulationLength param <-, nrow=(length(Sim_Environ)*length(effectSize_List)), ncol=3)) colnames(param) <-c("Environ", "Effect","Condition") param$Environ <- sort(rep(Sim_Environ, length(effectSize_List))) param$Effect <- rep(effectSize_List, length(Sim_Environ)) param$Condition <- c(1:nrow(param)) ###################################### <- c() for(bs in c("Pos", "Sig" )){ for(i in unique(res.wide$Condition)){ tmpDT <- subset(res.wide, res.wide$Condition==i & res.wide$bias==bs) tmpDT2 <- subset(tmpDT , tmpDT$method=="reMA") i2tmp <- sort(tmpDT2$I2_estimate[!$I2_estimate)]) bnd <- round(length(i2tmp)*c(.025,0.975),0)+c(1,-1) i2tmp <- i2tmp[bnd[1]:bnd[2]] I2 <- mean(i2tmp/100, na.rm=T) tmpDT2 <- subset(tmpDT , tmpDT$method=="EK") ssize <- mean(tmpDT2$b0_DataSize, na.rm=T) ss <- tmpDT2$b0_DataSize simCase <- cbind(subset(param, param$Condition==i), Bias=bs, DTsize=ssize, I2=I2) for(j in c("reMA" , "TF" , "PETPEESE" , "pcurve" , "puniform" , "3PSM" , "4PSM" , "WAAP-WLS" , "AK1" , "AK2" , "EK")){ tmpDT2 <- subset(tmpDT , tmpDT$method==j) tmpDT2 <- tmpDT2[(!$b0_estimate)),] tmpDT2 <- tmpDT2[order(tmpDT2$b0_estimate),] bnd <- round(nrow(tmpDT2)*c(.025,0.975),0)+c(1,-1) if(nrow(tmpDT2)>2){ tmpDT2 <- tmpDT2[c(bnd[1]:bnd[2]),] } bias <- abs(mean(tmpDT2$b0_estimate-tmpDT2$al, na.rm=T)) mse <- mean((tmpDT2$b0_estimate-tmpDT2$al)^2, na.rm=T) if(j=="AK2"){ COVDT <-$b0_estimate- qt(0.975, df=ssize-1)*tmpDT2$b0_std.error), upper=(tmpDT2$b0_estimate+ qt(0.975, df=ssize-1)*tmpDT2$b0_std.error), true=tmpDT2$al) COVDT <- NaRV.omit(COVDT) cov <-mean((COVDT$lower